
It appears as if my idea that In Search of Captain Zero could be adapted well is not my idea alone.  There are plans to make the novel into a film (it was optioned by Sean Penn), although I couldn’t find any details online about production.

During research online, I came across multiple reviews of the novel that compare it to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, a novel I very much enjoy.  In fact, my favorite film, Apocalypse Now! is loosely based on Conrad’s novel.  After hearing the comparison I immediately agreed, and began to think of what aspects of the novels were similar, and why I enjoyed the two.   I think both novels’ strength comes from the plot structure of one man’s journey through the “heart of darkness” – in this case Mexico and Central America rather than the Congo.  The journey drives the story, keeping it interesting and keeping readers involved in the story.  A proper adaption must maintain this aspect of In Search of Captain Zero.

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