Lightness in E-Lit

Ah by K Michel and Dirk Vis. Using the fundamental element of literature, the letter, Ah utilizes motion to float effortlessly across the page.  The ease in experiencing the piece is contrasted by the message being written, which tackles large, existential ideas such as, “time passes but does not exist”.  The letters and words on the screen are constantly overtaking each other and blending in a way that allows readers only a moment to read the message before it overlaps another word, rendering both incomprehensible.   The result is a complex message that comes across effortlessly.  Just like Perseus very carefully laid down the monstrous head of Medusa, Michel and Vis effortlessly tackle dense ideas.  Also, as some words overtake others and the order of words is shifted, the viewer is left with a very indirect view of the entire text.  Like Calvino’s lightness, Ah takes readers on an indirect route to its thesis.  This indirectness creates an ease of comprehension—or as Calvino would say, weightlessness.

~ by jessewalker717 on February 25, 2011.

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